Ipomoea dichroa Choisy

Ipomoea dichroa Choisy


Hirsute climbers. Leaves usually 3-lobed, midlobe 3 x 2.5 cm, ovate, apiculate, base cordate, sparsely strigose above, white tomentose beneath; petiole to 2 cm. Cymes axillary; peduncles to 5 cm; bracts 1 cm, lanceolate, decurrent, hirsute; pedicels to 8 mm, hirsute; calyx lobes free, 10 x 2 mm, linear, lanceolate, hirsute; corolla 1.8 cm, funnel shaped, pink; stamens included, unequal, to 1 cm; anthers cordate at base; ovary 1 mm, semi-circular, style 9 mm, stigmas 2, capitate.


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