Ipomoea hederifolia L.

Ipomoea hederifolia L.

Slender twining herbs. Leaves 4-8 x 3.5-7 cm, ovate to suborbicular, entire or 3-5-angled, cordate at base, acute to shortly acuminate at apex, glabrous; petiole to 6 cm long. Cymes few-flowered, axillary; peduncles 5-8 cm long; pedicels 0.7 - 1 cm long. Calyx lobes 5, 2-4 mm long, oblong or elliptic. Corolla deep red, salver-form, tube to 3.5 cm long, limb 1.5-2.5 cm across, subentire. Ovary 2-3 mm long, conical, 4-celled; ovule 1 in each cell. Capsule 5-6 mm across, subglobose. Seeds 4, c. 3 mm long, pyriform, black.


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