Ipomoea marginata (Desr.) Verdc.

Ipomoea marginata (Desr.) Verdc.



Herbs perennial, with a stout root and spreading hirsute or glabrous axial parts. Stems twining or prostrate, 1-3 m. Petiole 1-3 cm, sometimes minutely tuberculate; leaf blade often purple or purple spotted, elliptic-ovate or reniform to circular, apical leaves sometimes sagittate or hastate, 2-6 X 2-5 cm, glabrous, ciliolate marginally, base deeply cordate or hastate, margin entire or minutely undulate, apex attenuate or ± abruptly acuminate. Inflorescences few to several flowered; peduncle 2-8 cm, thick, often applanate, verruculose distally; bracts persistent, ovate or oblong, ca. 2 mm. Pedicel 5-6 mm, sparsely verruculose. Sepals ovate or elliptic-oblong, equal or inner 3 longer, 4-7 mm, glabrous, apex obtuse; outer 2 verruculose, margin thinner. Corolla white or purple, with a darker center, ± salverform, 2.5-4 cm; lobes 5, apiculate. Stamens included. Pistil included; ovary glabrous. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule depressed-globose, 6-7 mm, glabrous. Seeds pale grayish white tomentellous, margin often with longer cobwebby hairs.


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